Electronic Parcel-box: One for all

Wetter-Ruhr – October 2015.
One for all: the first parcel-box for all parcel- and delivery services comes soon. The eBoxx with ParcelLock system from BURG-WÄCHTER is open to every service provider. Customers do not miss their orders any more – irrespective of someone being at home or of the individual deliverer. Parcel services can even deposit the sending successively; every deliverer gets an access code for the duration of his or her delivery. The eBoxx can further be used privately. This parcel-box with ParcelLock system is to be available from summer 2016 – with key and App. For doors of flats there is a visually appealing parcel bag available. ParcelLock is a collaboration of DPD, GLS and Hermes. With BRG-WÄCHTER the consortium has called in a security and postbox specialist.

“Flexibility makes the eBoxx with its ParcelLock system exceptional”

The electronic eBoxx with ParcelLock system – for doors of flats as parcel bag – is accessible for all postmen. This existed never before. Even courier- and delivery services of pharmacies, supermarkets, wholefood shops, etc. can use it. “This kind of flexibility makes the eBoxx and the bag exceptional”, underlines Harald Lüling, chief executive of BURG-WÄCHTER. All sides are winning: the end customer, as he never misses a parcel again. The postman, as he safes precious time. As well as the online trading, as the sending becomes extremely easy.

Opening via key or App – one-time access code for the deliverer
Owner open their eBoxx via a key or via their mobile phone with a matching App. In advance you decide for which service companies you want to approve your parcel-box. The postman receives for every action an automatically generated one-time access code, similar to a TAN during the online-banking procedure. This code only lasts for the duration of the opening process. The convenient locking system is highly secure: every access is listed in the report and therefore comprehensible for the owner – this as well is a special of the eBoxx. Activated delivery services deposit the parcels, but take returns as well – extremely convenient for the customer.

DPD, GLS and Hermes bring in BURG-WÄCHTER as specialist
DPD, GLS and Hermes now got with BURG-WÄCHTER a internationally leading, experienced specialist on board. The brand stands for security competence and expertise in the area of locking electronics and post-boxes. With the eBoxx the company reacts to the expanding online trading.